Secret of Being Unstoppable

Discover the Secrets of Being Unstoppable

Monday 8 April 2013

Desperate For Success? Find Out The 100 Day Challenge - An Action Plan That Breed Success

Success does not always look the same. It comes in many forms, and what is success to one may not mean anything to someone else. In spite of a different look, there are at least two elements of success that are identical for everyone who experiences it. First, success is a goal that is worthy of pursuit. And second, and success takes hard work.
You have heard it said, "Where there is a will, there is a way." This is true of success. There is a way, no matter what your current circumstances are. There have been tons of books, articles, and motivational programs produced to show you the way to success. This article is simple, yet powerful. It will point out 5 tips that will help you find your way toward success.
1. Start by focusing on a goal you like
This is helpful especially if you are just starting your journey toward success. You can increase your chances for success exponentially if you have a passion for what you are working toward. You can begin by brainstorming with a close friend or spouse. Make sure it is someone who shares your desire for success. List all your skills and interests on a sheet of paper or a computer document. Don't leave anything out, even if it does not seem relevant. For instance, if you are good at making animal balloons, write it down... you never know where the inspiration will come from. Again, make sure you list everything. Some of the greatest ideas come from brainstorming sessions where there are no rules. Then go through your list and narrow it down to the one or two things you are most passionate about that can become a career choice.
2. Develop a Plan
The one thing most people fail to do is write down their plan. If you don't have a plan, how will you know where to go or what to do? Architects would not get far if they just "told" someone about their idea for a building. Neither should you begin your journey to success without a roadmap of how to get there.
Even if the written plan is not complete, write it down. You can fill in the details as the plan develops. It needs to have goals for each step of the process, including dates for completion. It should also include methods and materials that will help you to complete each step. If you know people who can help you along the way, write down their names. Make sure your plan is complete. Leave nothing to the imagination at this point.
Oh, and don't forget to keep a calendar and journal of your journey. It will be very helpful to see how you moved forward. Don't skip any days, even if you didn't do anything that day. It will be a reminder that tomorrow you need to get back on track.
3. Don't let your circumstances change you, Change your circumstances
"If you keep on doing what your doing, you will keep on getting what you got." This quote from Zig Ziglar makes sense.
It's crazy to think you can keep doing the same thing over and over the same way and expect different results. It's your choice. You can plod along through life letting your circumstances beat you up every day, or you can take action to change those circumstances. Granted, sometimes this does not look like it is the case, but you always have a choice, even if it is just the way you think about a situation. Your thoughts are powerful, and they can change the way you see yourself, thus changing your life. Don't allow those circumstances to keep you where you are. It does not have to be something huge, but you have the power to change something. Taking this positive step will eventually lead to your success. Don't ever forget that you have the same power in you as anyone else. Everyone starts out in life with nothing. You have a clean slate every day. It is your choice. What will be written on your slate today?
4. Attitude Is More Important Than Aptitude - Make Sure Yours Is Unstoppable
There is no one that can keep you from having a great attitude except you. You may not have the greatest education or the most resources, but you have control over your attitude. A positive attitude will literally open doors for you. It is the number one element of successful people.
5. Develop a Passion for Education
You don't have to be a student in school to continue your education. Every day should be a learning experience, even if you learn something that did not work. Most people know that Thomas Edison failed many times when trying to invent a light bulb. Yet when questioned about his failures, he straightened out that reporter with a statement that you should take to heart. He simply said, "I did not fail 10,000 times, I merely discovered 10,000 ways that did not work." Each of us should have a similar attitude. Learning from your mistakes is a valuable kind of education. Don't dismiss it as failure. Passion for education is still another stepping stone in the path of success.
Success seems to elude many of us while it seems to be so easy for others. What do you want in life? Is it success? If so, make a decision to go get it.
The 100-Day Challenge breeds successful individuals in five ways:
1. Provide focus on something you are passionate about
2. Develop a plan
3. Show you how important it is to take control of circumstances
4. Develop an attitude for success
5. Provides education that breeds success.
Discover how you can become the successful person you desire to be by taking the

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