Secret of Being Unstoppable

Discover the Secrets of Being Unstoppable

Saturday 30 March 2013

Top Weightloss Tip Stay Motivated!

While motivation levels vary from day to day, and even hour to hour, the initial force must be strong enough for the person to exercise or stick to a diet for top weightloss results. It is natural to be motivated at the beginning of any program, but to keep up with the restraint can be extremely demanding. Top weightloss stories of people recount of how they have achieved the goal, and all of them have one thing in common, deep seated commitment and perseverance. Best weight loss tips include setting reasonable goals. Setting impossible goals can be punishing for the body and the psyche, and resulting disappointment with non-achievement has a negative cumulative effect on the person, which adds mental blocks to the obesity problem as well.

Love yourself

Another important top weight loss tip is to love oneself. It may sound simple, but underneath this seemingly plain statement is a complex thinking pattern. Weight loss should be for oneself, and not in comparison to someone else. In this way, one will never fall short of expectations, and every kilo shed holds value. Superfluous comparisons will never justify worlds best weightloss, because it will never be good enough!

Weightloss market

The weightloss market is a swelling market with new products thronging the shelves everyday. One has to learn to differentiate between the products that will actually help the weightloss plan, and avoid the quick fixes. However hard one may wish, trusting blindly in the weightloss supplements will not turn them as slim and fit as the models on the product cover! 

No weightloss plan is fail-proof

No weightloss plan is fail-proof, as every person is different. Exercise regimens work more for some people, while dieting is easy for others. This is possible by focusing on the positive points, rather than dwelling on the negatives. Statements like i love walking/ exercising/ eating fresh salads! Its easy to shed weight this way! Reinforces the positive attitude, rather than i have to walk/exercise, because i need to lose some weight. If i were slim, i could just drive down.

Dont expect quick results in the first try!

Remember, one can afford to fail it is almost impossible to efficiently shed weight in the first try itself. One has to try out several options to find out what suits the best. It is vital to realize there are no quick fixes and healthy, sustained weightloss is possible only with regular exercise and controlled diets. Believe in the weightloss program you have chosen, and best of all, believe in yourself!

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Energy and Motivation for Success

It takes constant, focused energy and motivation to carry out all of the projects and plans necessary to complete a designated goal, which is why the idea of success can feel intimidating for most people. Here are some barriers and action steps to help you ignite your energy and motivation for success.
Barriers to Success
Realize that you might be dealing with success barriers like procrastination, perfectionism, and fear. These barriers have the power to keep you stuck and unable to move forward on your goals.
The Procrastination Barrier
For some, procrastination is a problem because they might be dealing with one of two possible inner conflicts: the need to sabotage their success, or the need to avoid imagined failure.
The Perfectionism Barrier
There are multiple reasons for perfectionism. For some adults, being raised in homes where they experienced high doses of disapproval, ridicule, or rejection created the need to be perfect. Another reason might be because of their innate hardwiring; meaning, they are highly methodical and factual and perfectionism is part of who they are.
The Fear Barrier
Fear has the power to stop you in your tracks. Fear can keep you locked in a cycle of failure by forcing you to continually relive your negative experiences. Worst of all, fear can keep you from living the life you were meant to live.
Action Steps
Here are some ideas to overcome the three success barriers and move forward to complete your goals and become successful.
• First, you know you are procrastinating when you feel like something has got you by the throat and you can’t move forwardâ€"you are stuck. Unfortunately, the best advice is to do the very thing you are putting off. And, do it now. Take a moment to decide if it needs to be done at all and if not, decide not to do it. Remove all escape routes. Finding a partner to check in with can help as well.
• Second, when you are perfectionist, tell yourself to go right, go left, but pick something. In other words, get in the boat that is heading toward your future. Strive to be productive not perfect. If your innate personality is to be a perfectionist, accept that about yourself but tell yourself to complete something and revise it later if need be.
• Third, think of fear like a machine that operates outside of you. Imagine this big, rolling machine rotating in a circular motion that yells, “Feed me, feed me, feed me!” Don’t feed into the fear machine; starve it by taking action. Focus your mind on what needs to be done. As you begin to take action, there’s a good chance you will notice that your stomach feels weird. That is your inner critic trying to get you to stop and feel the fear. Don’t give in; keep doing what you need to do. Trust me, eventually, your stomach will return to normal and you will complete your project.
© 2011 Life Is Fabulous. Publication rights granted so long as article and byline are reprinted intact, with all links made live.

Friday 22 March 2013

Your Behavior Profile for Success

Who we are affects how and why we do what we do. In other words, you have a behavior profile that relates to your ability to achieve success.
Your Behavior Profile
Behavior profiling began in the late 1920’s as a result of psychologist Dr. William Marston’s theory that there are four basic personality types. Over the years, different versions of the same theory developed.
You and I fit into one of four basic personality types, which define the way we interact with other people, the way we go about life, our personal drivers and how we succeed. We often relate better to people who have a similar behavior profile, and find other behavior patterns annoying and maybe even a little intimidating. But more importantly, these behaviors have a major impact on how we progress through life.
After studying numerous models, I took the best of what I learned, combined it with what I learned from working with thousands of people in my workshops, and came up with an easy-to-understand explanation of the four major personality behaviors that are part of the four personality styles.
Two Behaviors Makeup Your Communication Style
Your communication style is determined by other people’s perception of two of your behaviors: how you communicate with people and how you respond to people. Please note that this discussion about your communication style is based on how others see you, not how you see yourself.
How You Communicate With People
Of the four personality styles, two are considered a direct communication style. Direct is described as being assertive. Here are characteristics of someone who would be considered very direct: decisive, quick, and displays lots of energy.
Of the four personality styles, two are considered an indirect communication style. If people see you as less direct, you would be considered not as assertive. Someone who would be perceived as being less direct would appear to have these characteristics: indirect, methodical, and less energetic.
How You Respond to People
Now let’s look at how you respond to people. Of the four personality styles, two are considered people-oriented. Here are characteristics of someone who would be perceived as people-oriented: friendly, expressive, likes being with others.
Of the four personality styles, two are considered task-oriented. If people see you respond less to others, you could be perceived as task-oriented. Someone who would be perceived as task-oriented would appear to have these characteristics: reserved, structured, and prefers working alone.
Two Communication Truths
When we think of communication, we think of talking. Great communicators understand that it is more than that. Which brings up the first communication truth; people only believe what they see. In other words, when you walk into a room full of strangers, you can either appear confident and approachable or tense and unapproachable.
The second communication truth is that you are responsible for people’s perception of you. This means that no matter what is happening inside of you or around you in that moment, you always have the choice to react and act as you wish.
More Information on Personality Profiling
To learn more about behavior profiling, check out Dr. William Marston’s theory of the four basic personality types â€" D for Dominant, I for Influencer, S for Steady and C for Compliant. There is the BEST theory â€" Bold-Expressive-Sympathetic-Technical. Dr. Gary Couture’s version uses bird names â€" Dove, Owl, Peacock and Eagle. These are just a few of the many versions available for you to use.
Action Steps
• Always embrace the essence of who you are. This means: Do not wish to be like anyone else. In other words, if you are outgoing, fun, and love being the center of attention, stay that way. Just remember, in certain environments, you may want to tone it down a bit.
• Love your strengths and strengthen your limitations. This means: Be true to who you are, but, if you realize you are indirect and need to speak up, then consider strengthening your assertiveness skills.
• Learn how to flex. This means: If you are in a meeting and you are asked to give your opinion, speak up. You might be indirect by nature, but you can choose to behave differently. I am not recommending that you attempt to adjust your communication style to everyone you speak to in every situation. What I am suggesting is that you be aware of the fact your communication style can affect how people perceive you. You can simply choose to flex when you need to.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Prepare for Success and Manage Failure

There are two things many people don’t seem quite prepared for: success and failure. When failure happens, it throws a big wrench into plans. People get completely rattled, even to the point of giving up. Dreams get derailed, and confidence drops. When success is achieved, people don’t always know how to handle it. Unprepared, they squander the opportunity.
I’ve experienced challenges with both success and failure. In Another Day Without A Cage, I share a story about spending two years, just about every minute, studying and helping a hockey team with the aim of being hired as a motivational speaker for them, only to have those dreams shattered abruptly by a coach who refused to let a woman talk to his team. It was a big failure and a huge blow. At that point I could have given up on working with sports teams … but fortunately, I didn’t. I learned a great deal from the experience, and these lessons propelled me to exciting new opportunities. My book also reveals other run-ins I’ve had with failure, a key element that led to my many successes. I grew to learn to first accept, then seize and wholly embrace success.
Now I want to share tips with you so that when success or failure come your way, you’ll be prepared, and you’ll know how to seize one and manage the other. Practice these tips regularly.
To manage failure,
1. Remember that you’re not alone â€" everyone fails at something, at some point, no exceptions.
2. Regard failure as nothing more than a learning tool, because that’s truly what it is.
3. Take the lessons you gained from this failure. Leaving feelings of disappointment or shame behind, boldly move forward with your plans and dreams.
4. Take action to re-align yourself with your goals and get back on track with life.
To prepare for and seize success,
1. Believe with everything you have that you ARE worthy of being successful.
2. View success as a series of stepping stones to the life you want. This will make achieving success much more appealing and desirable to you.
3. Equate success with positives in your life, and take it for what it truly is: a means to less stress, greater peace of mind, career fulfillment, happiness and a life of meaning.
4. Give yourself permission to enjoy any success that comes your way. You really do deserve it!
5. Keep moving forward. Once you’ve succeeded, don’t stop â€" keep going, keep pursuing your life dreams.
About Gail Kasper: Mid-1998, Gail Kasper started her business from a small one-bedroom apartment, in the middle of bankruptcy, with no money in the bank. Today, Gail is one of the nation's leading speakers, author, Top 1% Club Mentor, a television host, advice columnist, Certified Fitness Trainer, Ms. Continental America 2008, and the creator of SAD-Tâ„¢ (Systematic Attitude Development-Techniqueâ„¢). A former Contributing Editor to Success Magazine with the "Ask Gail" column and host of the "Ask Gail" segment on the Comcast morning show, Gail is the author of her self-help autobiography Another Day Without A Cage: My Breakthrough From Self-Imprisonment To Total Empowerment and the self-help parable Unstoppable: 6 Easy Steps To Achieve Your Goals. With national media appearances that include Inside Edition, The Today Show, FOX Business News, and Oprah and Friends, Gail has earned the ranking of an in-demand national media personality who has been the topic of discussion on Regis and Kelly. The current host of the Philadelphia Visitors Channel, she has also made numerous appearances on network affiliates that include ABC, FOX, CW11, Comcast, and CBS, where she co-hosted the Emmy award-winning America's TVJobNetwork.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Recipe For Success - How Are You Going To Reach Your Dreams?

Life can be difficult and in everyday daunting tasks in the reach for your goals, you may be looking for some help that drops down uncertainty about your future. Read on to find out the six fundamental ingredients of your recipe for success. And see how the most important one, the seventh, is already at your hands.
1) Believe in Yourself
The higher the success you are aiming at, the harder will be the path to it. Many people already left in their own path to that very kind of success. Your path will be different from theirs if you'll believe in yourself.
Remember that failure is common and is just a signal that you are going to do better next time. So remember this and don't let that bring you down.
Understand your strengths and recognise your weakness, then exploit both: to make a difference when you have the opportunity, and to ask for help when times are going tough.
2) Be Realistic About The Results You Want
Being realistic with the results you want will increase your success likelihood. The same has to be with the kind of things you are going to do to reach your dreams. Don't make things too hard at the start, or will be then harder for you persisting when time will come.
3) Identify Your Goals
Now that your dreams have been mitigated with a realistic approach, it's time to set your goals. In fact without a direction you'll go everywhere and anywhere. The most important ingredient of your recipe for success is to identify your goals. There are three things to do when you have identified each goal: write it down, set a plan for it and set a deadline. Remember: be realistic, and things will be easier.
4) Develop a Success Strategy
If you just apply the first three steps of your recipe to success and then get moving, you'll get started in your pathway to reach your goals.
Your path won't be easy, but being realistic will get you started. Keep persisting and you'll reach your goal. To make this easier, you have to develop a Success Strategy that will keep you on road. You can discover The Five Pillars of Every Great Success Strategy at my website.
5) Go and Celebrate
Finally you have to work hard and persist along your plan. When a roadblock comes, find a different way to reach the same results. Remember: persistence in your goals, but change your actions if needed. Celebrating your victories will remind also yourself of the great job you are doing and that little fun will maintain that motivation that is needed to keep along until you reach your goal.
6) Increase Your Ability Along Your Way
Improving is what will ensure increasing performance along the way. This will increase your ability to cope with the challenges you are going to face and make things easier and easier. This will made every challenge a learning experience and, finally, will increase your speed and power.
There are many effective programs available on the net to help you doing this. You can program yourself for success and create positive motivation in life for work, health and success on autopilot by just listening your way to success and abundance with the Quantum Mind Power program.
7) The Seventh Ingredient
There is a seventh ingredient in the recipe for success and this is happiness. It's different than the other ones as it's underlying everything you do and you think. Happiness is the great motivator and its expectancy makes us run towards our goals.
Well the good news is that happiness is really a condition of mind. And as every act of mind, you can create it at will. Happiness is already inside you and you have just to awake it. This is why no goal will make you really happy, unless you already are. If you won't unlock the happiness inside you, no success will satisfy you. To find your happiness, just keep asking yourself what is making you happy right now in your life. Your mind will focus on it and will start creating it.
Start your quest and remember to look for the happiness inside you. Develop your Success Strategy; increase your ability with appropriate tools and the recipe for success will support you in reaching your dreams. Do it now

Monday 4 March 2013

Recipe For Success - How Are You Going To Reach Your Dreams?

Life can be difficult and in everyday daunting tasks in the reach for your goals, you may be looking for some help that drops down uncertainty about your future. Read on to find out the six fundamental ingredients of your recipe for success. And see how the most important one, the seventh, is already at your hands.
1) Believe in Yourself
The higher the success you are aiming at, the harder will be the path to it. Many people already left in their own path to that very kind of success. Your path will be different from theirs if you'll believe in yourself.
Remember that failure is common and is just a signal that you are going to do better next time. So remember this and don't let that bring you down.
Understand your strengths and recognise your weakness, then exploit both: to make a difference when you have the opportunity, and to ask for help when times are going tough.
2) Be Realistic About The Results You Want
Being realistic with the results you want will increase your success likelihood. The same has to be with the kind of things you are going to do to reach your dreams. Don't make things too hard at the start, or will be then harder for you persisting when time will come.
3) Identify Your Goals
Now that your dreams have been mitigated with a realistic approach, it's time to set your goals. In fact without a direction you'll go everywhere and anywhere. The most important ingredient of your recipe for success is to identify your goals. There are three things to do when you have identified each goal: write it down, set a plan for it and set a deadline. Remember: be realistic, and things will be easier.
4) Develop a Success Strategy
If you just apply the first three steps of your recipe to success and then get moving, you'll get started in your pathway to reach your goals.
Your path won't be easy, but being realistic will get you started. Keep persisting and you'll reach your goal. To make this easier, you have to develop a Success Strategy that will keep you on road. You can discover The Five Pillars of Every Great Success Strategy at my website.
5) Go and Celebrate
Finally you have to work hard and persist along your plan. When a roadblock comes, find a different way to reach the same results. Remember: persistence in your goals, but change your actions if needed. Celebrating your victories will remind also yourself of the great job you are doing and that little fun will maintain that motivation that is needed to keep along until you reach your goal.
6) Increase Your Ability Along Your Way
Improving is what will ensure increasing performance along the way. This will increase your ability to cope with the challenges you are going to face and make things easier and easier. This will made every challenge a learning experience and, finally, will increase your speed and power.
There are many effective programs available on the net to help you doing this. You can program yourself for success and create positive motivation in life for work, health and success on autopilot by just listening your way to success and abundance with the Quantum Mind Power program.
7) The Seventh Ingredient
There is a seventh ingredient in the recipe for success and this is happiness. It's different than the other ones as it's underlying everything you do and you think. Happiness is the great motivator and its expectancy makes us run towards our goals.
Well the good news is that happiness is really a condition of mind. And as every act of mind, you can create it at will. Happiness is already inside you and you have just to awake it. This is why no goal will make you really happy, unless you already are. If you won't unlock the happiness inside you, no success will satisfy you. To find your happiness, just keep asking yourself what is making you happy right now in your life. Your mind will focus on it and will start creating it.
Start your quest and remember to look for the happiness inside you. Develop your Success Strategy; increase your ability with appropriate tools and the recipe for success will support you in reaching your dreams. Do it now.